Privacy Policy

We want to bring a reliable, economical and understanding online rice buying utility to users. We realize that customers use e-commerce exchanges to shop, but not everyone wants to share their personal information.

We respect the privacy of our customers and are committed to protecting their personal information when customers trust us to provide their personal information to us when shopping.

1. Consent

By providing us with your personal information, for use on the website, you agree that your personal information will be collected and used as outlined in this Policy. If you do not agree to this Policy, you stop providing us with any personal information and/or use the rights set forth in Section 7 below.

We reserve the right to amend or supplement this Policy at any time. We encourage you to regularly review this Privacy Policy for the most recent updates to ensure you know and exercise your right to manage your personal information.

2. Purpose of Collection

We collect personal information only necessary for the following purposes:

  • Orders: to handle issues related to your order;
  • Account Maintenance: to create and maintain your account with us, including loyalty or bonus programs associated with your account;
  • Consumer Services, Customer Service: including responses to your requests, complaints and feedback;
  • Personalization: We can combine the data collected to have a more complete view of a consumer and thereby enable us to serve better with stronger personalization in all aspects , including but not limited to:
  • Security: for the purposes of preventing customer user account destruction or customer tampering activities.
  • As required by law: depending on the provisions of the law from time to time, we may collect, store and provide at the request of the competent state agency.


3. Collect Range

We collect your personal information when:

  • You directly provide us: That is the personal information you provide to us is done mainly on the website including: full name, email address (email), phone number, address only, the account login information includes any information needed to set up the account such as username, login password, login ID/address and security question/answer.
  • You interact with us: We use cookies and other tracking technology to collect certain information when you interact on the website.
  • From other lawful sources: We may collect personal information from other legitimate sources.


4. Storage Time

The customer's personal information will be stored until the customer has a request to cancel or the customer manually logs in and cancels. In all cases, the customer's personal information will be kept confidential on the website's server

5. Not Sharing Customer Personal Information

We will not provide your personal information to any third parties, except for the following necessary activities:

The partners are the service providers for us related to order fulfillment and are limited to the necessary information as well as the application of regulations to ensure the security and confidentiality of personal information.

We may use services from a third-party service provider to perform certain activities and then this third party may access or process personal information in the process of providing those services. We require these third parties to comply with all relevant personal information protection laws and security requirements regarding personal information.

Programs are affiliated, co-implemented, outsourced for the purposes mentioned in Section 2 and always apply the requirements of personal information security.

Legal requirements: We may disclose personal information if it is required by law and such disclosure is reasonably necessary to comply with legal processes.

Business transfer (if any): in the event of a merger or consolidation with another company in whole or in part, the buyer will have the right to access the information stored and maintained by us, including information personal message.

6. Data Security

We always strive to keep our customers' personal information safe, we have been implementing many safety measures, including:

  • Ensuring safety in the operating environment: we store our customers' personal information in a secure operating environment and are accessible only to employees, representatives and service providers on an as-needed basis know. We comply with industry standards and laws in the privacy of customers' personal information.
  • In the event that the information server is attacked by a hacker resulting in the loss of customer personal data, we will be responsible for notifying the case to the authorities for timely investigation and handling and notify customers.
  • Payment information: confidential according to industry standards.


7. Customer's Right to Personal Information

Customers have the right to provide us with personal information and can change that decision at any time.

Customers have the right to self-check, update and adjust their personal information by logging into their account and correcting personal information or asking us to do this.

8. Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Policy or the practices of our collection and management of personal information, please contact us via hotline:

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