Beauty secrets from lettuce and synthesis of lettuce toners are most trusted by women

1. About lettuce

1.1. What is lettuce?

Lettuce, also known as cephalopod or celandine, is a plant with the scientific name of Houttuynia Cordata Thunb. This plant is known by many names and has a rhizome that grows underground. The leaves of the lettuce are heart-shaped and grow upright, giving off a fishy smell when crushed.

Lettuce is not only a delicious vegetable, but it also has effects such as: Lettuce treats acne, reduces oil and gives radiant skin. Studies show that the decanoyl-acetaldehyde in the lettuce plant has antibacterial, fungicidal and parasitic properties, similar to antibiotics. In addition, this plant also contains many nutrients beneficial for health such as vitamins B, A, calcium, protein, fiber, iron, potassium,... Lettuce is a valuable natural source of medicinal herbs. well worth exploring and taking advantage of.

Lettuce has many significant benefits

1.2. Where is lettuce usually found?

Lettuce used to be common growing wild in many mountainous, midland and lowland provinces in Vietnam. However, realizing the outstanding benefits from this plant, people have brought lettuce to the garden to use as food and also to make medicine, effectively improving health status. This process has increased the supply and widespread use of lettuce, while exploiting the full potential and value of lettuce in health care and nutrition for the community.

2. What is the effect of lettuce?

What is the effect of lettuce? Or what disease is lettuce? These are the questions that SkinFood World receives a lot! Let's all learn about the effects of lettuce now:

  • Lettuce is an effective acne treatment: With its antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties, lettuce is a great choice for acne skin care. Crush the lettuce leaves, mix with salt and apply to the acne and acne skin areas to quickly reduce swelling and pain. Moreover, lettuce also helps reduce dark spots caused by acne. Discover the natural power of lettuce for smooth and clear skin now!
  • Lettuce - savior for diabetes: Contains ethanol compounds, research has proven that drinking water lettuce for 3 consecutive weeks significantly reduces blood glucose levels on an empty stomach.
  • Lettuce supports weight loss: In addition to improving blood sugar, compounds in lettuce also have anti-obesity effects. Drinking lettuce water helps to reduce excess fat in the body. Regular use in a short time, lettuce will help you control weight effectively, bring a slim and healthy body.
  • Lettuce - helps reduce painful urination effectively: According to folk experience, using lettuce in daily meals helps to improve painful urination and increase diuretic performance.
  • Lettuce cures pneumonia and infections: Thanks to its antibacterial properties, lettuce is used to treat pneumonia and other infections.
  • Increases resistance: Lettuce effectively increases resistance by stimulating white blood cells, helping you stay healthy and protect your overall health.


Lettuce effectively treats acne

3. Synthesize some lettuce Toner to help whiten skin, fade dark for women

3.1. Mini B.O.M Just One Lotion For All Skin Mini B.O.M Just One 50ml

Mini B.O.M Just One Toner - Gentle for all skin! With a content of 92.5% natural extracts from leaves and fruits that have been used for a long time in Korean traditional medicine, this lotion is not only convenient but also antibacterial, sebum control and soothing. For a vibrant and soft skin with Mini B.O.M Just One!

Gentle nutrients from lettuce

3.2. Chinoshio Natural Skin Lotion 500ml Chinoshio Natural Skin Lotion 500ml

Discover the natural vitality of the skin with Chinoshio Natural Skin Lotion, this toner contains the main ingredients of lettuce leaves and perilla - the "miracle" of antioxidants and vitamins. Eliminate free radicals, prevent dark spots and brown spots. Stimulate new cells, regenerate damaged skin, help skin become bright, smooth and youthful.

Chinoshio Natural Skin Lotion

3.3. Mamonde lettuce toner

Loved by many women, rose water from the Mamonde brand contains lettuce extracts and young mud, which helps to deal with skin problems such as oily skin, excess oil, blackheads and large pores. With a unique formula, the Mamonde lettuce toner will help deep clean and bring back fresh, clean skin like never before!

Toner with lettuce fish is chosen by many women

3.4. Derma Factory Lettuce Toner

With 84% Eoseongcho (lettuce) extract and 13% moisturizing, this Derma Factory lettuce toner provides deep moisture and effectively soothes skin. Stimulates skin cell regeneration and helps heal damage quickly.

Derma Factory Lettuce Toner

4. Lettuce FAQ

4.1. Is drinking lettuce every day good?

Is drinking lettuce every day good? It can be seen that, with its special welding properties, lettuce has a good effect on soothing and cooling the body, especially suitable for people who are prone to heat in the body. However, like other vegetables, eat lettuce in moderation and do not overdo it. Enjoy the fresh taste and health benefits of lettuce, but maintain a balance in your daily diet.

4.2. Is lettuce good for drinking water?

Lettuce cooked in water is a popular way to take advantage of the health benefits of this vegetable. Drinking water from lettuce has a cooling effect, cools the body and helps reduce fat in the blood. At the same time, lettuce juice can also help detoxify and purify the liver.

However, as with any other food or herb, the consumption of lettuce juice should be done sensibly and in moderation. It should not be abused or used as a substitute for orthodox healing methods.

4.3. Can you eat fish lettuce?

Pregnant women can eat lettuce in a safe and healthy way. Lettuce contains many important nutrients such as fiber, vitamin A, vitamin D, and protein, helping pregnant women to supplement essential nutrients for the fetus and her health. The zeaxanthin found in lettuce also helps to improve vision and prevent cataracts. However, pregnant women should eat lettuce with appropriate levels and consider with their health status.

5. Summary

Lettuce is not only a popular culinary vegetable, but it also offers many amazing health and beauty benefits. From detoxifying and reducing blood fats to helping treat acne and soothing the skin, lettuce offers great benefits for the body and skin. In particular, for pregnant women, eating lettuce and drinking lettuce juice are safe and beneficial for the health of the fetus. Add lettuce to your daily menu and enjoy the amazing benefits of this vegetable!

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