Summary of 5+ face lifting exercises that can't be missed

1. Causes of sagging facial skin

1.1. Rapid weight loss

Rapid weight loss is one of the causes of sagging facial skin, because the body will not be able to adapt or shrink to the change of weight. This can cause facial skin to lose elasticity, causing sagging conditions.

To limit facial sagging when losing weight, you should adjust the weight loss rate as well as provide enough nutrients for the body. Maintain a balanced diet, combined with exercise to lose weight in a healthy and safe way.

Rapid weight loss can cause facial and other skin to sag

1.2. Too little time to sleep

Lack of sleep can lead to sagging facial skin. With lack of sleep, the muscle layer under the skin of the face does not have time to recover and rest enough. Over time, this makes the skin less elastic and loses its natural luster. Therefore, time management and ensuring enough sleep are important, helping to maintain healthy, vibrant skin.

1.3. Frequent stress and anxiety

Anxiety and stress can cause unwanted facial expressions, such as grimaces, frowns, downward corners of the lips, etc. These habits may seem harmless, but here they are. These are the causes of wrinkles and crow's feet on the face.

In addition, long-term anxiety and stress also cause depression and increase the hormone cortisol in the body. Elevated cortisol hormone can affect skin, hair and other health problems.

Stress and anxiety form wrinkles and sagging skin

1.4. Eat a lot of sweets

Facial lifting exercises are extremely necessary for those of you who have sagging facial skin due to eating a lot of sweets. Eating too many sweets will increase glucose in the body and they will stick to the collagen in the skin. To maintain the elasticity and health of your skin, you should control your diet, make sure you have enough sugar, and this also helps you control other medical conditions.

1.5. Using the phone too much

Continuous use of the phone can cause facial sagging, because when you bend your head to look at the phone screen, the muscles in your neck and face are stretched. This habit is common in many young people and for a long time will make the skin lose its elasticity and shine. To prevent sagging from using your phone, you should balance the time you spend on the phone and the time you rest your muscles.

1.6. Completely cut out fatty foods

One of the common "mistakes" in people who are in the process of losing weight and dieting is to completely cut out fatty foods. However, doing this can affect skin health and sagging.

Fats are an important part of the diet, and provide the body with energy. Besides, fats also absorb essential vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E, K, provide antioxidants and support the maintenance of moisture in the skin.

However, consuming too much bad fat can cause weight gain and other health problems. Therefore, it is important that you balance and use enough fat for your body.

1.7. Lots of sun exposure

In addition to the above causes, overexposure to the sun also causes facial skin to sag. The effects of ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun lose elasticity and firmness of the skin, thereby causing sagging and aging.

Too much exposure to the sun causes a lot of damage to the skin

2. Simple and effective face lifting exercises at home

2.1. Jaw and neck lifting exercises to brighten up your radiance

The first facelift exercise will be for the jaw and neck area. This exercise focuses on the muscles around the mouth and under the chin, helping to strengthen the jaw muscles and create firmness for the skin.

  • Step 1: You smile and open your mouth and pronounce the letter “A. Then, fold the top lip at the corner of the lips to the inside of the mouth, hold and push the lower jaw forward.
  • Step 2: Bring the lower jaw up slowly when closing the mouth and bring the chin up about 1.5 cm in combination with tilting the neck back a little.
  • Step 3: Open and close the mouth by moving the lower jaw like this about 10 times. On the 10th time, raise your neck, bring your chin up and hold the pose for 20 seconds.

2.2. Eyelid lifting exercises

The eyelid lifting exercise will work a lot on the two muscles that open and close the eyes to blur wrinkles and reduce the depth of the eye sockets. The steps to perform the lifting exercise are as follows:

  • Step 1: You smile as usual, then place your index finger on the corners of your eyes and your middle finger on the sides of your nose near your eyes. Gently press and feel the muscles around the eyes.
  • Step 2: Close your eyes and knit your eyebrows together, you will feel the length of the eye. Hold this pose for 30 seconds and always smile during the process, repeat the movement 2-3 times.


Do eye lifting exercises

2.3. Exercises to nourish and lift muscles for smooth eye skin

The eye area is relatively sensitive, so when performing lifting exercises in this skin area, you should use gentle hand force.

Here are some exercises and skin care methods to keep the eye area smooth and toned:

  • Step 1: You put your ring and middle fingers on the area under the eyes, then touch where the corner of the eye meets the eyebrow.
  • Step 2: Gently press and pull gently on the skin area to stimulate and tighten skin muscles. Do this exercise 10-15 times a day.

Besides, you can also do gentle massage from the inside out in the area under the eyes and on the eyelids. Use light, moderate force to avoid damage to thin and sensitive skin.

2.4. Exercises for the temples

The temporal muscles play an important role in supporting the upper half of the face. Let's "try it out" with the useful temple lifting exercises right below:

  • Step 1: You smile and fold your fingers, then gently place them on either side of your temples. Then grind your teeth together and push your chin upwards. Concentrate and try to stretch your temporal muscles by pulling your ears back. With that, you bite your jaw and hold the pose for about 10 seconds.
  • Step 2: Continue to perform a strong bite but still keep the two teeth not separated, bite hard 10 times after each performance to clearly feel the muscle tension.


Perform exercises to improve the skin of the temples

2.5. Shaping exercises for naturally radiant cheeks

This is a face-lifting exercise against sagging, helping to lift the corner of the mouth and shape the cheeks. Perform simple cheek lifting exercises as follows:

  • Step 1: You smile slightly and hold, then lift your lips as much as possible but do not expose your teeth. Try to keep a smile on your face to create the perfect cheek shape. You should feel a slight stretch in the upper lip. Note that when doing this, you do not frown or forehead too much!
  • Step 2: Next, use two index fingers to apply pressure from the outside of the two sides of the nucleus (between the forehead and the nose) and swipe up the cheekbone area. You apply enough force to keep the muscle just below the cheekbones.
  • Step 3: Pull the index finger from the cheekbone to the corner of the eye and hold the muscle for 20 seconds. You should not pull too high to touch your eyes or pass over your temples, because this can cause muscle loss in the cheek area. To increase the pressure, you can use two middle fingers to apply pressure on the index finger.

After holding for 20 seconds, relax and repeat this exercise 2 more times. Do the exercise gently and do not put too much strain on the muscles and skin.

2.6. Facial lifting exercises for sagging cheeks

Facial lifting exercises for the cheek area:

  • Step 1: You sit up straight and in the most relaxed state, then smile lightly and open your mouth to form a large "O" shape. Try to maintain this position to stretch your facial muscles.
  • Step 2: Then, fold your upper lip inwards to the front teeth and continue to smile. This pose will help lift the cheek muscles and put pressure on the facial muscles.
  • Step 3: Place your hands under the eye bags and above the cheeks, now you can feel the level of muscle tension and change when performing the exercise.
  • Step 4: Release your mouth muscles and rest for about 10 seconds. Repeat the above steps 9-10 times.

Exercise regularly and combine it with a healthy diet for best results.

Cheek lift helps improve cheek skin firmness

2.7. Lip lifting exercises

Aging can cause the muscles around the mouth to lose elasticity. Therefore, it is recommended to perform regular exercises to maintain and improve the skin that is always firm. You can do one of the exercises below:

Exercise 1: Open your mouth into an "O" shape, gently press the skin around your mouth and hold for 3-5 seconds, do the movement for 10 times.

Exercise 2: Open your mouth as wide as you can, then pull your lip muscles to the side. Hold the pose for 10 seconds and do the opposite. Do the exercise a few times on each side.

2.8. Face lifting exercises focus on the area around the nose

Here is a facelift exercise that focuses on the area around the nose:

Forehead and nose area:

  • Step 1: Place the thumb and ring finger on the forehead, then place the middle finger just below the eyebrow.
  • Step 2: Use light pressure to pull the middle finger down in a straight line towards the nose. When pulling, you use your thumb and ring finger to apply pressure to the forehead to create tension. Repeat the pull-down process for 10-15 times per day.

Nasal area:

  • Step 1: Place your thumb on your nose and ring finger on your cheekbones.
  • Step 2: Apply light pressure and press lightly on the nose and cheekbones at the same time. Repeat this process 10-15 times per day.

Nose and lip area:

  • Step 1: Place your thumb and forefinger on either side of your nose, slightly apart.
  • Step 2: Apply light pressure and press on the nose to create tension. Then, use your thumb and index finger to pull down the inner lip, while keeping pressure on the nose. Do the exercise about 10-15 times per day.

3. Summary

Above are the shares of SkinFood World about effective face lifting exercises, which help to minimize sagging and make the skin firmer. Along with that, you should apply regular exercise and combine it with a healthy diet and activity to own beautiful, radiant skin every day.

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