What is fresh collagen? Tips to use fresh collagen properly and effectively

1. About Fresh Collagen

1.1. What is fresh collagen?

Fresh collagen is a type of beauty and skin care product that is produced from pure collagen with a high content and usually over 90%. Fresh collagen is extracted from natural sources such as animal skin and tissues.

The special feature of fresh collagen compared to other collagen products in the form of capsules, oral powder or cream is its natural and pure nature. Fresh collagen does not undergo complicated processing and refining, so they retain most of the biologically active ingredients found in natural collagen.

Fresh collagen is known for its better absorption, helps to nourish and regenerate skin cells, providing elasticity and firmness. Besides, fresh collagen also minimizes wrinkles and signs of aging. The microscopic nanomolecules in fresh collagen are able to penetrate into all 3 layers of the epidermis, dermis and dermis of the skin. Thereby, helping to deeply nourish each cell and protect the skin in the most comprehensive way.

However, fresh collagen will have a shorter shelf life than other refined collagen products and often must be stored at low temperatures or frozen to retain its biological properties.

Fresh collagen has a high content of pure collagen

1.2. Benefits of fresh collagen for skin

As we age, our body's natural collagen production decreases, leading to wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity. Therefore, collagen plays an important role in the skin, helping to maintain its elasticity and firmness.

Using fresh collagen or other collagen products has the effect of preventing the formation of melanin pigment, improving acne scars, melasma or freckles, making the skin smooth day by day.

In addition to beautifying the skin, fresh collagen also brings great benefits to internal organs in the body. Fresh collagen helps to prevent and prevent liver and cardiovascular diseases and limit bone and joint problems for the elderly. In addition, collagen is also considered a factor that helps regulate blood pressure in the body.

Collagen helps to rejuvenate, improve wrinkles on the skin

2. Distinguish normal collagen and fresh collagen

Basically, fresh collagen and collagen often have similar uses. However, they have some differences in their mechanism of action and form of use.

Types of collagen will usually be made into capsules or powder, which can be taken orally or externally. This is a popular and convenient form of collagen supplement for the body. However, the absorption and effects of collagen will usually be slower than fresh collagen, because they have to go through the digestive process in the body.

Fresh collagen in the form of serum, mask containing 100% pure collagen or complex processing. Therefore, they will be able to penetrate faster into the skin, helping to nourish the skin from deep within.

Besides taking collagen, you should combine it with a healthy lifestyle and a sensible, balanced diet to achieve the best results.

3. Instructions for using fresh collagen for the right standards and effectiveness

While it offers many outstanding benefits to the skin and body, the use of fresh collagen or any other collagen product should be done properly.

If you have sensitive skin, you should carefully check the ingredients and choose to buy products at reputable addresses. Here is a guide to using fresh collagen properly to get the best effect for the skin:

  • Clean face: Before applying fresh collagen, you should remove makeup and wash your face thoroughly to remove dirt, sebum. Cleansing the face helps collagen penetrate better into the skin.
  • Apply fresh collagen to the face and neck: You proceed to apply fresh collagen directly to the face and neck, gently massage from the neck to the forehead, focusing on areas with many wrinkles and areas that need improvement.
  • Use collagen in the evening: Evening is considered the best time to replenish collagen for the skin. Because at this time the skin is at rest and the skin regeneration process takes place quickly. Maintain regular use of collagen to feel the skin change day by day!

4. Important note when using fresh collagen

Some important notes for her when using fresh collagen to improve skin:

  • Choose to buy fresh collagen products from genuine and reputable brands. Read the instructions for use carefully before use.
  • Before using the product on your entire face, you should test it on a small area of skin to check for irritation.
  • Children under 15 years old should limit the use of fresh collagen, because their skin is still quite sensitive and it is not really necessary to supplement collagen at this stage.
  • Pregnant women and patients taking prescription drugs should consult their doctor before use.

5. Frequently Asked Questions

5.1. What is the reason to use fresh collagen but not effective?

Some reasons that affect the use of fresh collagen but not as effective as expected include:

  • Product quality: Using poor quality fresh collagen may not contain enough collagen or ingredients of unknown origin, which reduces the effectiveness of the product.
  • Improper use: Failure to follow instructions for use or abuse can reduce the effectiveness of fresh collagen. In addition, the effective reduction of collagen is also caused by improper massage or not cleaning the skin before application.
  • Absorption: In some users, the lack of visible effects of collagen may be due to structural problems with the skin. Therefore, the impact of fresh collagen is also different for each user.

5.2. What is fresh collagen implant?

Fresh collagen implantation is known as the process of injecting or implanting collagen molecules into the skin to improve skin structure, thereby optimizing skin elasticity and effectiveness in reducing wrinkles.

Fresh collagen implants are performed by a medical esthetician and are not a cure for pathology. The effectiveness and results from fresh collagen implants can vary depending on the location and health conditions of each person.

Fresh collagen implant helps to improve structure, increase skin elasticity

5.3. How long do fresh collagen implants keep?

The timing and effectiveness of fresh collagen implants can vary depending on many factors. The effect of the transplant process can last several months to a year. To maintain the long-term effect, you should regularly conduct additional treatment or re-implant fresh collagen after a certain period of time.

6. Summary

Above are the basic knowledge about fresh collagen as well as how to use them for effective beauty. Proper skin care and use of fresh collagen helps to keep the skin young and smooth.

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